Wednesday, July 29, 2009

God's Purpose or Mine?

I am a big fan of devotional books.
The early morning hours are prime time for my spiritual journey. I really seem to get a lot out of a brief word and story to illustrate it. There is no doubt the greatest book like this I have ever enjoyed time and time again is, "My Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers. I have quoted a recent thought from his wonderful book. By the way, this book was required reading at seminary in a spiritual foundations course.
"We tend to think that if Jesus Christ compels us to do something and we are obedient to Him, He will lead us to great success. We should never have the thought that our dreams of success are God's purpose of us. In fact, His purpose may be exactly the opposite. We have the idea that God is leading us toward a particular end or a desired goal, but He is not. The question of whether or not we arrive at a particular goal is of little importance, and reaching it becomes merely an episode along the way. What we see as only the process of reaching a particular end, God sees as the goal itself.
What is my vision of God's purpose form me? Whatever it may be, His purpose is for me to depend on Him and on His power NOW. If I can stay calm, faithful, and unconfused while in the middle of the turmoil of life, the goal of the purpose of God is being accomplished in me. God is not working toward a particular finish---His purpose is the process itself. What He desires for me is that I see Him walking on the sea with no shore, no success, nor goal in sight, but simply having the absolute certainty that everything is all right because I see Him walking on the sea. It is the process, not the outcome, that is glorifying to God.
God's training is for now, not later. His purpose is for this very minute, not for sometime in the future. We have nothing to do with what will follow our obedience, and we are wrong to concern ourselves with it. What people call preparation, God sees as the goal itself.
God's purpose is to enable me to see that He can walk on the storms of my life right now. If we have a further goal in mind, we are not paying enough attention to the present time. However, if we realize that moment-by-moment obedience is the goal, then each moment as it comes is precious."
Where are you today on that journey toward success?

Monday, July 27, 2009

Cheating, Baseball, and Philosophy

There is no doubt who I cheer on when it comes to baseball. The beloved Cardinals have a rich and profound history in that wonderful sport. I used to drive some six hours and catch a game in St. Louis and then return in the same evening. My friends and I were blessed to have seen players such as Bob Gibson, Lou Brock, et al through the years. I remembered fondly the voice of Jack Buck as he brought home each and every win and the difficult challenges with cubbies.
But in Philadelphia I watched something I had never seen before.
A fan (debatable) actually used a laser to flash the eyes of Cardinal batters. Once it was a green laser pointed on Julio Lugo and Albert Pujols. Then later a red one was pointed at Schumaker, Thurston and DeRosa.
One phillies player, Jimmy Rollins, said, "It's immature. something that doesn't belong at a ballpark." Boy, that was strong words (sarcasm)! He did not want to criticize his own fans too much.
It has always amazed me how an affection for a sports team and affect someones life. We cheer for the razorbacks, Arkansas Baptist, and others yet I want the contest to be decided on the field not in the stands.
You might find this interesting, but when the Hogs win a football game, it creates renewed excitement on a Sunday morning. And when they lose, the world is coming to an end.
But there is no reason to cheat---with a laser or another method. It is just a game! Players cheat, coaches cheat, and now fans cheat. We are all aware of improper gifts from a donor in the college ranks; the pro coach at New England was caught stealing signs; the list could go on and on. The Florida State coach even wants to change some rules and punishment so he can count some more victories before he retires.
I was once taught of a philosophy that the "ends justify the means." It states that regardless how one achieves ones goals, it does not matter as long as the goal is reached. That idea is becoming more common in all aspects of society.
Jesus taught us to live differently. He expects us to walk a higher road. He expects us to be a believer and act like one even if it is in a sporting event or cheering on your favorite team.
You know, you cannot cheat your way into heaven. Even fans of other teams will be there---maybe.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

I agree with the President

I agree with President Obama. Are you shocked?
The question then is, "what do you agree with him about?"
Well, let me paraphase a statement he made last week. He was quoting the old wise saying that "there is no free lunch" when pressed about the cost of health care. You could be southern about it and say there ain't no free lunch! In the president's remarks he said people do know and understand that things cost money and the money has to come from somewhere.
Well, he is correct, there is no free lunch. But you know, please understand there is no free health care. And there are many people who do not believe that.
Thoughout my life, I have been amazed more than once that people have bragged about some benefit they have received from somewhere, and that somewhere is ususally the government. We use this program or that and take the benefit and feel like "we got a good deal" or we "beat the system." I have also been quite surprised at times to hear some say that the government and the people owe them something and should be more generous. I have even had people tell me the church owes them something.
I will never forget an Easter service at one of my former churches, where a man actually drove his car up to our doors and waited for people to come out and ask for money because we "should" give to him.
Our country seems to have produced an entitlement mentality where many believe they are "owed" some benefit just because they exist.
What ever benefit or program or health care plan given out by the government comes from the government's only source of income---the people and what they produce.
Does the Bible speak to universal health care? Not really. But I can say a few things with Biblical confidence:
---We believers should deal with others with compassion and we should help where we can.
---People have responsibility to do all they can (work) to meet their basic needs.
---I have never met a believer who refuses to help someone who is trying to help themselves.
---Churches should be doing more not less.
---Christians should be informed and involved.
Watch the debate on health care and be informed and voice your opinion. Remember you are part of "we the people".

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Basketball "Dribbles" some Truth

The phone rang and a voice said, "hi, this is John and we have never met." Where was the phone call taken you ask, and who was John? I will tell you but first things first.
The phone call was made to a small Bible college that few have ever heard of. The business manager and the school leadership decided that they needed to develop an athletic program that would help put the school on the map.
Football was the obvious choice. They soon discovered however that football is quite expensive to develop and maintain. So they went the basketball route.
The Lord seemed to affirm their decision because a great Christian coach agreed to sign on and build a program. Recruiting would be tough because of a lack of history and a lack of a bank full of money for scholarships.
Back to the phone call. The caller said, "hi this is John and we have never met. I've followed basketball for a long time, and....I love your school...I know your new coach." He went on to say he had seen a very gifted kid that could be an all-American but everyone had overlooked him. He asked if the coach might want to meet this young student. Of course, the new coach agreed and signed him to play, along with a couple of his friends. I do not know the players name but the team won a lot of games for a new program. I do know the name of the caller. His name of John Wooden who had coached UCLA to 10 national championships. those NCAA titles were won over a period of 12 years.
Wooden chose not to ID himself because he understood what may happen. He just wanted to help this school get off to great start. He wanted a student to get a chance. There was nothing in it for him. It was a humble act.
Christian love is a humble love. But sadly, humility is not part of our experience. I long to see that type of humble love being expressed again. The church could sure use it.
American churches seem to exhibit the same arrogance that our society does. Our cry is buildings, baptisms, and budgets---that what success is all about! The apostle Paul said, let me show you a more "excellent way". He described a type of love that demonstrates the true nature of Christ. Paul said spiritual gifts are great, but reach for a higher level of spiritual growth.
I always thought that the person closest to Jesus, and the one who would set at His side was not the obvious. It would not be the big time preacher or spiritual giant or the famous book writer. It would be someone no one ever heard of, but was pleading through prayers and life a relationship that reflected Jesus. It would be the kind of person who would do something for someone else with no desire for anything in return.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Last Days---Really?

Let's be honest. If you want to make a lot of money writing a book, the subject of the "last days" gives you an immediate audience. The more challenging the world becomes, the more books will come out.
I believe the last days started with Peter when he said they did in the Book of Acts.
I also believe there has been incredible abuse and manipulation of the believing community on this subject. It saddens me when people are led astray by those who take the news and twist it to fit their brand of Bible prophecy.
I am starting a series on the "Revelations" of John in August, but a news article caught my eye.

It seems the Chinese have said it again and again this year. I have observed many such requests in the past but with the country of China controlling our debt and the Euro gaining acceptance around the world, it begs the question, 'is there a Biblical sign about money in the last days? There seems to be a growing cry from the financial community for some kind of single money system. The volitility of the markets combined with a true world economy are pushing our leaders to consider this in a more serious way. Add that to the way the country is being run right now and you can see how Americans can be told this is the right thing to do.

Computor technology has made this system possible. What system am I talking about? Read the final verses of Revelation 13 because a controlled buy and sell method is stated. No one is going to be able to buy or sell without a mark. The Bible clearly states that one should not take this mark because of what and who it means.
If the only way for your family is to survive is to take this mark, would you? Or do you feel we will be raptured out before then? Or will there be exceptions to this? Or do you believe there is no way America will give up the dollar?
These sure are interesting days we live in.