Thursday, January 14, 2010

Who caused the earthquake?

Reports are quite dramatic about the earthquake that caused massive devastation in Haiti. There are some saying the deaths could be in the hundreds of thousands and damage could be higher than any can imagine.
As always, the press go to a religious guy and asks, "why did this happen?" Pat Robertson once again, got himself in a little trouble with his comments. He did call for aid to be sent and talks about how much he and his organization have sent. However, he made reference to a long ago time in that countries' history where the people there made a pact with the devil. I am not kidding.
The year was 1791 and there was a slave rebellion led by Boukman Dutty, and according to some, he/they made a pact with the devil in exchange for victory over the French. A spokesman for Pat, Chris Roslan, on their website said that event, "has led countless scholars and religious figures over the centuries to believe the country is cursed." One can easily understand how people would conclude that, since the country has suffered greatly since that time, well, you get the idea.
Does God cause earthquakes? It is a great question and I will answer it yes and no. You know, it is always fun to take both sides of an issue.
You see, Biblically speaking, bad things happen as a result of the sinful state of humanity and God punishes sin. Sometimes bad things happen for a purpose. However, sometimes bad things just happen.
I just left the hospital visiting a friend (not from Little Rock) who is facing a great challenge. She has a disease the doctor says will take her life. It is just a matter of time. This person has lived an incredible life; been faithful and honored God with her walk. But bad things still happen to good people.
One philosopher said that God spun the world into place and put the world under a natural law to rule His creation. And then He took His hands off of it. This idea was the only way he could justify natural disasters.
In Haiti, there were believers killed along with non-believers. Was God out to get them for a deal with the devil in 1791?
The answer is, no answer will come. No answer would satisfy. Those opposed to a belief in God will use the comments from Pat and others and justify their positions.
I am just a simple guy. But I learned a long time ago that bad things will happen in life. The only thing you can control is your response. I will respond to this event by sending help and maybe even going sometime in the future to help on the scene.
I will let the philosophers figure out the details.

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